About us
Hena com publishing house has been active since 1995. In the past two decades we have published a large number of prominent Croatian and international fiction authors, non-fiction, co-productions, children's literature and healthy living books. Our catalogue, as well as careful author and title selection, have earned us recognizability on the local market, along with reader loyalty.
In addition to international best-sellers, we publish two imprints oriented solely on regional and Croatian authors; Nokaut, focused on novels and short stories, and Verbarij, focusing on novels, short stories, essays, drama, columns and other.
At Hena com we believe in team work, and in creating a positive working atmosphere in which books aren't considered merchandise, but soul food. We believe our job is to connect those who write and those who read, to make books a place of meeting between the two. Every new book we publish opens new possibilities for the books to come – that creative process not only brings us joy, but allows us to share our passion for literature with everyone who cherishes good books as much as we do.